How Long Does Fabric Paint Take to Dry

Fabric paint is an excellent idea to beautify your old clothes. You can do creativity with fabric paints and make a custom design on any type of fabric. Fabric paints are easily available in multiple colors to have fun with. Fabric paints make any piece of cloth stylish and attractive but unfortunately, it takes a longer time to dry.  How long does fabric paint take to dry?

The drying time of fabric paint depends on how thick you have applied. Furthermore, if you purchase fast-dry fabric paint, the drying time will be decreased.

To answer your question, we have done our research and gathered information about how long does fabric paint take to dry on shirts, jeans, sneakers, and other objects as well as how to speed up the drying process.

How Long Does Fabric Paint Take to Dry

The time it takes for fabric paint to dry depends on several factors including the thickness of application, temperature fluctuation, and paint’s composition.

How Long Does Fabric Paint Take to Dry

In general, if you apply a thin layer on a garment, it takes almost 1 to 2 hours to dry. You can check with a finger touch too. Let it dry completely to prevent the risks of damaging the design. It is recommended to use the painted fabric after one day. Follow the manufacturer’s drying guidelines when you are using the paint. Thus, the drying time of fabric paint on jeans, sneakers, accessories, garments, etc. takes 24 to 48 hours.

For long-lasting and professional results, let the proper drying time. Let the paint adhere to the fabric and ensure that all parts of the fabric paint are dried.

When you are purchasing the paint, check the label if it is written “fast-drying” or “quick-drying”, purchase it. The fast-drying paint will cut down the drying time in half as compared to other paints. The fast-drying fabric paint comes with a downside that they do not feature high quality as compared to other paints.

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How to Fast the Drying Process

You can fast or speed up the drying process if you use some tools or apply some techniques. The tools that can help you fasten the drying time are

  • Hair Dryer
  • Iron
  • Sunlight

Hair Dryer

When it comes to how long does fabric paint take to dry and how fast the drying process is, a hair dryer can help you in this regard. With a hair dryer, you can apply direct heat to your clothes at a distance of almost 15 to 20 cm. Start from the low settings and gradually increase the settings for better and quicker results. By using the hair dryer, the design will completely adhere to the fabric. It is suitable for caps, sneakers, jeans, etc.


Clothes iron can be used to fasten the drying process of fabric paint. It is simple to use. You just need to take some precautions. It is recommended to spread a clean white cloth on top of the design and iron the cloth.

Iron the cloth generously. Avoid applying aggressive force as you will damage the design. It will almost take 5 to 10 minutes to completely dry. You can iron on the back of the fabric too, if you desire.


Once the paint is done on your fabric, search the window of any of your rooms from where the sunlight comes into the room. As the fabric is exposed to sunlight, there are more chances of the paint to dry. The heat will automatically give warmth to the fabric, eliminate moisture, and create a great way to speed up the drying process. Avoid hanging the shirt in direct sunlight.

How to Use a Fabric Paint

Fabric paint offers the versatility to create a customized design on fabric, accessories, sneakers, or other items. To make the best use of fabric paint, you have to follow some steps.

How Long Does Fabric Paint Take to Dry
  • Before starting a painting procedure, wash and dry your fabric to remove wrinkles or any residues. It is recommended to paint the fabric right after you have tumble dry the fabric. In this way, the fabric paint will take less time to dry due to the heat of the fabric.
  • Spread the fabric on a flat surface and place a cardboard or any plastic sheet between the top and the back of the fabric.
  • Before using the fabric paint bottle, shake it well.
  • Squeeze a small amount of paint on a palette. Now, you can paint with the help of a brush, sponge, or anything else. You can use a fine nozzle and attach it to the bottle to paint your favorite item precisely.
  • It is recommended to apply the paint on a small area of the fabric and check the color and consistency of the paint. If you are sure about the color and consistency, then you can directly apply your fabric for better results.
  • Try to apply thin layers and make sure the strokes are even and the paint is distributed evenly in the required area. Avoid making the strokes forcefully. Do the work in layers. Let the first layer dry and then apply the next coat.
  • Follow the manufacturer’s instructions and give the proper drying time to your fabric paint. You can use iron, sunlight, or a hair dryer to speed up the drying time.
  • At least give 2 to 3 days cure time before washing and using the fabric.
  • The newly painted garment or fabric is done.
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How long do you have to wait to wash fabric paint?

To adhere to the paint properly and retain its vibrancy, it is better to allow proper drying or curing time before washing the fabric. The duration to wait to wash the fabric paint varies on the type and brand of fabric paint. It is ideal to consider the manufacturer’s instructions and read the drying time on the label of a selective brand or type. Generally, the drying time ranges from 24 to 48 hours and the cure time is almost 72 hours for the fabric paint. After 72 hours, you can wash the fabric.

Once you feel, the paint is dried on your fabric, pass through under the heating process involving a clothing iron, or hair dryer. The heat process will enhance the durability. Make sure to use heat settings under precautions.

How long does it take for puffy paint to dry on a shirt?

Puffy paint referred to as 3D fabric paint has varying drying and curing times as compared to regular fabric paint. The texture of the puffy paint is different that’s why it varies in drying time. If you apply a thick layer of puffy paint then it will take longer time to dry than a thin layer. It takes typically, 4 hours to dry a shirt. Humidity and temperature are the main issues that affect the drying time. If you are willing to paint the fabric, ensure moderate temperature. If there is too much humidity and moisture, use a dehumidifier. Otherwise, the puffy paint will take 4 hours to dry and almost 72 hours cure time before washing.

How Long Does Fabric Paint Take to Dry

How can I speed up the drying of fabric paint?

You can speed up the drying process of fabric paint by adopting several methods. If you apply a thin paint layer on your fabric, the drying time will be decreased. The use of heat settings like iron, hair dryer, and sunlight can speed up the drying time. Fan, open window, and warm, and dry area can help to make the fabric paint dry faster. Some brands provide some additives to speed up the drying time. While using the additives, follow the manufacturer’s instructions.

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Paint your fabric is fun but it can be frustrating when you have to wait for drying time. How long does fabric paint take to dry is a common question but the answer varies. The drying time of fabric paint varies due to several reasons which include the composition of paint, thickness, moisture, and how you apply it. If you apply fast-drying fabric paint then it will take 1 to 2 hours to dry. The standard paint will require more drying time almost 24 hours. The curing time of fabric paint is recommended 72 hours before wash.


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