How Soon After Filling a Pool Can You Swim

You would be excited to see your newly filled pool, but how soon after filling a pool can you swim is a major concern. There are a few things you need to consider if you want to enjoy your newly filled pool.

Once the pool is filled with water, it does not mean that you take your swimsuit and take a dip, you have to wait. You need to test the water, run the pool filter, check the filter, and so on. From a hygienic and safe point of view, you have to wait for a few hours.

In this regard, we have done our research and gathered all the information to help you to know if you can swim in a pool right after you fill it and what are the best practices.

How Soon After Filling a Pool Can You Swim

As I have mentioned above, several factors affect your swimming experience in a freshly filled pool. Let’s discuss the factors!

How Soon After Filling a Pool Can You Swim

Understanding the Water

You have just filled your pool and you think your pool is ready to swim, but it’s not. You have to pour chemicals into the pool and wait for disperse to make your pool safe and clean for the swimmers.

There are certain chemicals used in the pool to make it safe and they act differently. The proper amount of time is required for each type of chemical. It is recommended to add chemicals at night and leave it for the whole night so that the next day you can safely enjoy your swimming.

The chemicals help the pool water to sanitize and get the essential level of pH to make the pool water balance for swimming. You can adjust total alkalinity and calcium hardness too.

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Adjust Alkalinity

Adjusting the total alkalinity in your pool can disturb the pH level of the pool. So, it is best to maintain total alkalinity before adjusting the pH level. In general, the total alkalinity in a pool should be between 80 to 120 ppm.

Calcium Hardness

Achieving calcium hardness for your pool is one of the crucial steps because the low level contributes to corrosive properties and can ruin your pool. The level of calcium hardness in your pool should be between 200 to 400 ppm.

Run the Pool Filter

Once you have filled your pool and treated it well, the next step is to run the pool filter to let the chemicals disperse properly. It takes usually two hours to disperse the chemicals evenly. Follow the manufacturer’s guidelines to use the product properly if you are not getting professional help.

Size of the Pool

The size of the pool also determines the safest amount of time in a freshly filled pool. Large pools take more time for the chemicals to disperse and sanitize the pool water than small pools. Whether you choose an in-ground or above-ground pool in your home, the size of the pool matters a lot.


For safety reasons, it is ideal to have a moderate temperature in your pool. Almost 70 degrees Fahrenheit temperature is ideal for safe swimming. A temperature that is above 80 degrees Fahrenheit can bring potential health risks like an increase in blood pressure and heart rate.

Always consider the climate of your area and then maintain the pool water temperature accordingly.

Common Types of Sanitizers Used in a Pool

How Soon After Filling a Pool Can You Swim

The most common types of sanitizers used in a pool area

  • Chlorine
  • Bromine
  • Saltwater Chlorine Generators (SWCG)


The most common sanitizer is chlorine used in the pool. It can be in the form of liquid, tablets, and granules. The safest level of chlorine in the pool ranges from 2 to 5 ppm.

When you have added chlorine to the pool, ensure to check the safest chlorine level in the pool with a test kit. High chlorine levels can cause health risks ranging from minimum to severe. You can experience skin or eye irritation or can affect your respiratory system too.

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Bromine is a substitute for chlorine used to sanitize your pool. The safest bromine level in the pool should be between 3 to 5 ppm. If it exceeds 6 or more than 6, you should wait to decrease the levels of bromine. Temperature and sunlight are the key factors that help to bring down the bromine level and you have to wait for it.

Bromine tablets, usually, take 1 to 2 days to come to the desired level.

Saltwater Chlorine Generators (SWCG)

Saltwater Chlorine Generators (SWCG) are the substitute for chlorine used to transform saltwater into chlorine. To achieve this, you need to add a high amount of salt in the pool of about 3200 ppm. 5000 gallons of water require 125 pounds of salt.

However, other chemicals help to balance the pool chemicals for a better and safer swimming experience. These include muriatic acid, baking soda, calcium chloride, and algaecide.

Potential Risks of Swimming in a Freshly Filled Pool

Swimming in a pool brings lots of excitement and joy but sometimes come up with potential risk especially, when you want to take a dip in a freshly filled pool. It is important to know how soon after filling a pool can you swim and know the importance of getting a balanced pool.

  • A freshly filled pool does not have balanced chemical levels like pH or chlorine levels so you should have to wait to get them adjusted. Unbalanced chemical levels contribute to skin irritation and eye redness.
  • In a freshly filled pool, there are risks of bacterial growth caused by skin infection or allergy if you have some kind of allergy or sensitive skin.
  • Inadequate amounts of chemicals can lead to algae growth in the pool water. Algae contribute to slippery surfaces and you may face slipping risks.
  • Chlorine reacts with other substances like sweat, urine, or algae making the water a contaminant. Sometimes inhaling chlorine comes with respiratory issues, especially for those who have asthma.
  • To minimize the health risks, wait for the pool to be treated suitably.
  • Regular cleaning and maintaining the pool chemical balance ensure health and safety.
  • Keep an eye on children when they are in or around the pool as safety comes first.
  • To eliminate potential risks, you can call a professional.
How Soon After Filling a Pool Can You Swim

How soon after filling a saltwater pool can you swim in it?

It is a key point that the pool water should be clear and sanitized properly for the swimmers. To sanitize the pool, different chemicals are poured into the pool water to make it sufficient. After filling a saltwater pool, it is essential to give an adequate amount of time to circulate and the salt to disperse evenly in the pool so that the swimmer can swim safely. It usually takes 1 day or a maximum of 2 days. To check the chemical balance before swimming, use a pool test kit to ensure safety. Due to the chemicals or saltwater, it is ideal to start with a short swim time at first.

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What to do after you fill your pool with water?

After filling your pool with water, you have to take some essential steps. These steps will ensure safety and maintain a healthy pool environment. Run the pool filter for almost 24 hours. It lets the water circulate and distribute the chemicals evenly in the pool water. Use a pool test kit to test the pool water and check calcium hardness, pH level, alkalinity, and chlorine level. Achieve balanced chemicals after doing some necessary steps. For better results, clean the pool floor and wall. Check the water chemistry and filtration system too.

Should I shock my pool as soon as I open it?

Shocking a pool as soon as you open it is not recommended until it feels dirty or you have opened it after a very long time. If you feel any odor in the pool water and looks cloudy, shocking will help to eradicate algae, bacteria, and other contaminants.


Before using your newly filled pool for swimming, you need to understand and balance your pool’s chemistry. How soon after filling a pool can you swim requires many factors. You need to adjust the quality of water for better swimming. Furthermore, you need to check the pool that all the parts are working properly. You will get your answers if you read the above blog carefully.


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