How to Fill Gap Between Stove and Cabinet – Simple and Easy Ways

Have you purchased a new stove and want to fit precisely in the base cabinet? Suppose the base cabinet is much wider than the stove width and you’re wondering how to fill gap between stove and cabinet accurately. We have done our research to answer your question.

Filling a gap between the stove and cabinet depends on how much the gap you have. After determining the exact gap between the stove and the cabinet you can make the right decision in choosing the method and material. The material you choose can make or break the overall aesthetic of the kitchen. So, choose wisely.

Keep reading and learn the best ways related to how to fill gap between stove and cabinet. I hope you will get what you want.

How to Fill Gap Between Stove and Cabinet

8If you’re facing the gap between the cabinet and the stove you are not alone. There are multiple ways to fill the gap between the stove and cabinet.

How to Fill Gap Between Stove and Cabinet

Here, I’m sharing 2 best and simplest ways to fill the gap. You can pick the method according to your needs and the type of gap you have. Let’s explore!


T-Molding is typically used in flooring to fill a gap purposefully. You can purchase it at any hardware store and available in a variety of colors and styles to complement your stove and cabinet. T-Molding can also be used to cover the gap between stove and cabinet.

Where T-Molding can be used?

T-Molding can be used to fill narrow gaps. If the gap between the stove and the cabinet is not wider, T-Molding is the quickest approach.

How to Use T-Molding

  • Purchase T-Molding to complement your kitchen style. Clear plastic molding offers great flexibility and allows you to cut the molding to achieve the desired length. To determine the exact length, measure from the back of the stove to the edge of your counter.   
  • If you find mold is a bit loose in the gap, you can use duct tape. Cover the bottom with duct tape to make it fit between the cabinet and stove. The duct tape will prevent it from moving around.
  • You can clean the mold with a stove cleaner or mild dishwasher if it gets dirty. If the stains are tough, you can repeat the process instead of replacement.
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Plastic Tube

Plastic tube is another great way to fill the gap between the stove and cabinet, giving a perfect solution to your problem of how to fill gap between stove and cabinet. Plastic tubes are available in a variety of sizes to suit your kitchen element.

Where Plastic Tube can be used?

A plastic tube can be used to cover the gap between the stove and the cabinet. If the gap is half or a quarter on each side, you can use a plastic tube.

How to Use Plastic Tube

  • Determine the gap between the stove and the counter. With the use of a ruler or a measuring tape, you can measure the gap so you can purchase the right size of the tube. Measure the gap on each side of the stove. One side may differ from than other side.
  • Make sure the tube is a quarter inch thicker than the gap. This step will ensure the perfect fit and the tube will not fall to the floor. You can choose a color in a tube to style your kitchen.
  • Insert the tube into the gap to make it level. It will ensure secure fitting by making it stable.

Alternative Way to Fill Gap Between Stove and Cabinet

If you feel the above methods do not work for your specific need you can choose another method that will surely help you in covering the gap. How to fill gap between stove and cabinet?

How to Fill Gap Between Stove and Cabinet

If there is a larger gap of almost 3 inches or more on each side of the stove, you can use hardwood.

Wood boards give a permanent solution to your problem no matter how much the gap is. If the gap between the cabinets and stove differs at the front and the back or the same at the front and the back, use wood boards without any doubt.

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How to use Wood Boards?

  • Measure the width of the gap with measuring tape or a ruler. Make sure to measure the gap accurately.
  • Purchase wood boards of your desired size at any local store.
  • Trim the wood boards to achieve the desired width and height, if needed.
  • If the gap size differs at the front and back, mark the wood boards and trim accordingly.              
  • Take another piece of wood and measure to take an accurate width to cover the top.
  • To match your kitchen style, you can paint the wood and apply the waterproof sealer to protect the wood for a longer time.
  • Place the wood boards in their desired location and then insert your stove.
  • This ensures to prevention of spills between the stove and cabinet.

What are the Most Common Stove Sizes?

There can be variations in stove sizes depending on manufacturer to manufacturer and model to model. The most common stove has typically four burners. 30 inches is considered the most common stove size for home use.

If you opt for large stoves, usually come with four to six burners with the added features of a grill. These stoves have 36 inches width if the space is large. Small stove sizes are available to perfectly fit in small and compact spaces in the kitchen.

In short, from the variety of different sizes and models, choose the one that suits your specific kitchen layouts. Cooking needs and the budget can influence the purchasing of a stove. Commercially and professionally used stoves have large widths to prepare multiple meals simultaneously. 

How do you fill a large gap between the stove and cabinets?

Filling a large gap between stove and cabinet comes with several benefits including safety and hygiene. Well-organized kitchen enhances the aesthetic feel and look of the kitchen. Food spills and particles around the burner can cause it to fall into an empty place between the stove and cabinet. A variety of gap fillers is available on the market. The silicone material is the most flexible material suitable to cover the gap between the stove and cabinet.  

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What are cabinet filler strips?

Cabinet filler strips are designed to fill the gap between stove and cabinet, or other appliances. To improve the aesthetic of your kitchen, bathroom, or any other room, filler strips are functional. Cabinet filler strips are available in a variety of materials, including wood, silicone, and metal strips.

How to Fill Gap Between Stove and Cabinet

Filler strips are easy to use. You just need to measure the gap width and depth to get the right size filler strips. Select a filler strip to complement your cabinet finishes and material. For cabinets, wood fillers are the best addition as they provide a seamless look. To achieve the desired length of filler strip, cut it with a utility knife or you can use a saw to cut.

Install the filler strips to cover the gap, and ensure to align it properly. By using screws, you can secure it. Check the filler strips periodically for any wear and damage. Replace or refinish the filler strip when needed.

Should the stove top be flush with the countertop?

The top of the stove top should be aligned with the top of the countertop or the height of the stove top can be a little higher than the countertop. It reduces the risk of spills or debris, getting trapped in gaps making cleaning easier. Sometimes it gets very difficult to clean narrow places when it comes to the kitchen so, it is important to conceal the gap to create a cohesive look in the kitchen.

It is always advised to purchase kitchen appliances before designing a kitchen layout. Well-planned and well-organized kitchen serves you both functional and aesthetically appealing.


The gap between the cabinet and the stove becomes messy when you are preparing the meal on the stove and the spills or food particles gather in a space. The food particles invite some unwanted guests including lizards, insects, and more. I’m sure you prefer a clean and tidy kitchen. If there is a gap between the stove and cabinet and you want to know how to fill gap between stove and cabinet. Read the above blog post attentively and find the best suitable ways you were aware of.


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