How to Remove Smell from Outdoor Garbage Can

Odors can frequently arise from outside garbage cans, particularly in warm weather or when there is food waste present. But, you may successfully get rid of unwanted odors and keep your surroundings smelling good if you take the appropriate measures. This thorough article will cover a variety of techniques for eliminating scents from your outdoor trash can as well as crucial preventative measures to keep odors at bay.

Understanding Odor Sources

Before we go into odor reduction techniques, let’s examine the typical causes of foul odors in outdoor trash cans:

Organic Waste

  1. Food Residue: Food residues and leftovers can break down and release unpleasant scents.
  2. Moisture: Rainwater and liquid waste materials can harbor microorganisms and cause odors.

Bacterial Activity

  1. Bacteria Breakdown: Odorous substances are released when the material is broken down by bacteria found in organic waste.
  2. Warm Conditions: Warm weather causes germs to proliferate more quickly, which speeds up the creation of odors.

Identification of Odor Types

How to Remove Smell from Outdoor Garbage Can

Selecting the right elimination technique for your outdoor garbage can requires determining the type of odor it has:

Common Odor Types

  1. Rotting Smell: Suggests the presence of organic debris that is decomposing, such as food scraps.
  2. Moldy Odor: Indicates the possibility of mold growth and moisture buildup in the trash bin.

Removal Methods

Let’s now investigate some efficient ways to get rid of the odor from your outdoor trash can:

Cleaning and Deodorizing

  1. Emptying the Garbage Can: Take everything out of the trash container and dispose of it properly.
  2. Scrubbing: Scrub the waste can’s interior completely using a solution of hot water and detergent.
  3. Deodorizing Agents: To eliminate smells, place baking soda or activated charcoal inside the trash can.
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Natural Remedies

  1. Vinegar Solution: For the purpose of eliminating smells, spray the garbage can with a solution of white vinegar and water.
  2. Citrus Peels: To provide a fresh aroma, place citrus peels, like those from lemons or oranges, into the trash can.

Preventive Measures

To keep smells from coming back, take proactive steps to keep things clean:

Proper Waste Disposal

  1. Bagging Waste: Before putting food waste and other odorous things in the trash container, double bag them.
  2. Regular Cleaning: Make it a habit to routinely rinse and sanitize the trash can.
How to Remove Smell from Outdoor Garbage Can

FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)

Can I use bleach to clean my outdoor garbage can? Yes, you may clean and freshen up your waste can using a diluted bleach solution. But while using bleach, make sure you have enough ventilation and take safety measures.

How often should I clean my outdoor garbage can? Cleaning your outdoor trash can is advised at least once a month, or more frequently if smells are bothersome.

Are there any commercial products specifically designed to remove garbage can odors? Yes, a variety of commercial items are available that are intended to neutralize odors and stop bacterial growth. Examples of these goods are garbage can liners and deodorizers.

Can I use essential oils to mask garbage can odors? Yes, you may give a nice aroma to the garbage can by placing a cotton ball inside it with a few drops of essential oil, like eucalyptus or lavender.

How can I prevent animals from accessing my outdoor garbage can? To keep animals from reaching the contents of the garbage can, use animal-proof lids or keep it locked inside.

What should I do if the odor persists after cleaning? For complete odor elimination, use stronger deodorizing products or hire a cleaning service if the smells don’t go away.


You may successfully get rid of the scent from your outdoor trash can and keep your surroundings fresh and odor-free by using the techniques and precautions described in this tutorial. To stop smells from returning, don’t forget to treat the underlying causes of them and implement frequent cleaning schedules.


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