How to Clean Lanai Screens

Lanai screens offer a peaceful outdoor space and guard your home and family by keeping out the bugs, pests, and other elements. Proper maintenance and cleaning of your lanai screen is important, but what to do if it gets dirty? It is important to know how to clean lanai screens.

There is no hard-and-fast rule to clean the lanai screen. A variety of options is available to maintain the integrity of screens. You can clean the lanai screen manually, with the use of a pressure washer, bleach and water solution, and the use of mild dish soap.

In this post, you will get to know the best ways to clean lanai screens and how to deal with the situation in the best possible ways.

What are Lanai Screens Used For?

Lanai screens are used to cover the lanai area allowing people to enjoy the outdoor space comfortably. Lanai screens can be used for both functional and practical purposes. Lanai screens work like a barrier and discourages pests, flies, and mosquitoes from entering the house. Additionally, screens are used to let fresh air into the space, promote ventilation, and provide a relaxed ambiance.

The screen provides a certain level of privacy and some level of sun protection based on the lanai material you are using. Thus, lanai screens improve the outdoor living space making it comfortable for dining, parties, and relaxation.

How to Clean Lanai Screens

How to Clean Lanai Screens

Are you looking for the best possible way how to clean lanai screens? If yes, you are on the right page. Here, are some useful procedures to help you in achieving the brand new look of your lanai screen.

What you need:

  • Ladder or Step Stool
  • Spray Bottle
  • Bleach
  • Pressure Washer
  • Bucket
  • Warm water
  • Soft-bristled Brush
  • Mild Dish Soap
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Remove the Mold

Mold is the most common problem that brings varying types of issues including health risks. The most effective solution to remove mold is the use of bleach solution. While using the solution, follow some precautionary steps including wearing gloves, protective glasses, and a mask. You can use a ladder or step stool according to your convenience.

How to Use:

  • To make the solution of bleach, use a 1:10 ratio. Take one part of bleach and ten parts of water in the spray bottle. Mix it well and then spray it on the affected area.
  • Let it sit for almost 10 to 15 minutes and then rinse with clean water.
  • If you find the affected area is not yet clean then you can repeat the procedure to get rid of mold permanently.

Use your Hand

To clean the lanai screen, you can use your hand and remove the screen surface with a soft-bristled brush.

How to Use:

  • Take a bucket, warm water, and dish soap to prepare the cleaning solution.
  • Use a soft-bristled brush, dip in the solution, and gently rub on the lanai screen and frame.
  • Use the brush in a circular motion to remove dirt, debris, grime, and mold.
  • Make use of a garden hose to rinse the surface and let it air dry.

Use of Pressure Washer

If you are worried about how to clean lanai screens, don’t panic! Using a pressure washer can help to maintain the appearance of your lanai screen and clean the dirt, debris, and mold from the surface. Before using the pressure washer, clear the area with furniture, rugs, or pots if placed, for safety purposes.

How to Use:

  • A pressure washer uses high-pressure water to clean the lanai surface. It is advisable to start with low-pressure settings.
  • Maintain a safe distance between the pressure washer and the surface of the lanai screen. There should be at least a 2 to 3 feet distance to avoid damage.
  • If you are unaware of how to use a pressure washer, you can follow the manufacturer’s instructions.
How to Clean Lanai Screens

Contact a Professional

If you want to keep the lanai surface top-notch and are not interested in putting your effort into cleaning the lanai screen, call a professional. Professionals will use their expertise and tools to clean your lanai surface effectively.

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They will do their job best and will remove each corner or hidden area where the dust and debris can accumulate. Moreover, they will suggest some ways and ideas to keep the lanai screen in better condition.

Types of Lanai Screens

With so many options, finding the right one to suit your lanai area or patio area can be a bit challenging. To help you select the best type, we will explore the most common types of lanai screens. Let’s start!

Phifer 18/14

The most common type of screen used for lanai is phifer 18/14. The Lanai screen is made of fiberglass mesh and is quite dense. It is reliable and comes with an excellent performance. It can give almost 8 years warranty.

The screen is durable and helps to keep out pests and other undesirable visitors while maintaining a comfortable environment. The mesh screen lets fresh air pass through. Thus, it is an ideal combination of strength, shield, and durability.


Fiberglass screens act like phifer 18/14 and are available in different mesh densities. Fiberglass screen has resistance to rust, damage, and corrosion while maintaining fresh ventilation. It comes with an improved lifespan of 8 to 10 years.

Fiberglass screen requires regular cleaning to remove debris and dirt. It can be slightly cheaper than Phifer 18/14 so, if you are low on the budget, think twice.


Aluminum screens are lightweight but they are good enough in strength and have corrosion resistance. Aluminum offers a reliable performance without compromising on its functionality.

Aluminum screens offer better visibility and ventilation allowing the people to enjoy the outdoor space. When it comes to cleaning, it is super easy with mild dish soap and water.


Polyester can be a great option if you want your screen for the long run. Polyester screens can last around 10 years and proved to be better protection against mildew, insects, and algae. Additionally, it is resistant to tear-proof.

Polyester screens come with a cost-effective solution. Depending on the budget, need, and the requirement of screen, you can select the polyester type. It comes with the drawback that due to the exposure to UV rays for a long time, it can start to fade.

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Solar screens can be more effective if you want protection from harmful UV rays and other elements including mosquitoes, insects, and flies at the same time. Solar screens have a long lifespan of almost 10 to 15 years.

Ultimately, solar screens improve the aesthetics and experience of outdoor space in your home.

How do you clean aluminum screen enclosures?

Cleaning aluminum screen enclosures can be done easily with just simple ingredients. Take mild detergent or mild dish soap and mix it with warm water. You can use a brush or a vacuum with a brush attachment to remove the dirt, grime, and algae. Scrub the screen gently and with the use of a garden hose, rinse the screen thoroughly. Let it air dry.

How to Clean Lanai Screens

How do you remove algae from screens?

Take equal parts of white vinegar and water in a bucket. Use a soft-bristled brush and dip into the prepared solution. Rub the affected area gently to remove the algae from the screen. Let it sit for a few minutes.

Use a garden hose to rinse the solution thoroughly. If you find the algae spots again, repeat the procedure. Periodically inspect the damage, mold, and algae and address them as soon as possible to maintain the appearance and integrity of screens.

Does vinegar damage screens?

Vinegar is a household item that can be used as a cleaning agent. Due to its properties, vinegar can damage some types of screens like aluminum screens. Vinegar has an acidic nature so be cautious while using it.


A lanai is the most exciting addition to your home but with the exposure of sunlight, dirt, and other elements it gets dirty over time. How to clean lanai screens? Giving your lanai screen a new look is possible by doing some simple procedures. With a little effort and time, you can transform the lanai screen into an attractive and eye-catching living space.


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