Why Does My House Smell Like a Cat Pee

We are aware of the fact that indoor cats bring joy and pleasure to your home, but they can also come with their types of challenges. Why Does My House Smell Like Cat Pee and what should I do? What exactly is it? How should I remove the odor?

There are some reasons your house smell like cat pee despite regular cleaning. The odor of cat pee is so strong and sometimes it gets offensive to someone. In this article, we will guide you through how to get rid of the cat pee smell and what are the other reasons caused by the cat pee smell.

When you smell something like cat pee, it can be irritating. Once you know the source, you decide to get rid of this. Taking the wrong approach towards removing the stain and eliminating the cat pee smell, make it permanent in your apartment or house. Before making any decision, think about the solutions.

  • Using Baking Soda
  • Using Vinegar and Water
  • Using Vinegar and Baking Soda
  • Using Hydrogen Peroxide

Luckily, you have various solutions to deal with the smell of cat pee from DIY solutions to specifically design cleaner. It is up to you what you choose according to your need and personal preference. So, keep reading to know more about why does my house smell like cat pee and how to get rid of the smell.

How to Find Cat Pee Stain in Your House

Why Does My House Smell Like a Cat Pee

Suppose you just walked into the house and your house smells like cat pee. What to do? The first challenge is to find the stain of cat pee. It can be a daunting challenge when you are dealing with a dry cat pee patch.

Ultimately, what is the best way to find cat pee stains? Black light is the best way to find cat pee stains on any surface, especially in

  • Carpet
  • Wood
  • Curtain
  • Soil in the potted plants
  • Corners
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Keep in mind that the odor of cat pee remains for several years even after cleaning.

Ways to Get Rid Of Cat Pee Odor

Why Does My House Smell Like a Cat Pee

Why Does My House Smell Like Cat Pee? It is a major problem for many homeowners. Let’s explore the better ways to get rid of cat pee odor to make a healthy and odor-free place to live in.

1. Baking Soda

Baking soda is the most common DIY cleaning solution. Instead of using harsh chemicals, you can use baking soda even on sensitive surfaces. Baking soda is the most effective cleaning solution for floors and carpets.

Mix baking soda with water, apply on the surface, vacuum, and then clean the surface with water and any type of detergent.

2. Vinegar and Water

Vinegar is another effective home cleaning remedy. Vinegar is a dilute acetic acid helpful to remove ammonia and urea from cat pee stains. The combination of vinegar and water is ideal to deal with a nauseating cat odor from furniture and carpet.

Mix the solution of vinegar and water in the spray bottle. Spray the solution on the desired spot and let it sit for several minutes. Blot the vinegar with a clean fabric or paper towel.

3. Vinegar and Baking Soda

When dealing with fresh cat pee that is soaked on the carpet or floor, combine baking soda and vinegar for a more powerful cleaning solution. If the smell of the vinegar bothers you, you can add essential oil to it.

First of all blot the spotted area with a paper towel, and then apply baking soda mixture to the stain. Let the mixture of baking soda absorb the moisture, for nearly about one hour. After that, use water and vinegar solution to remove the odor.

4. Hydrogen Peroxide

Hydrogen peroxide is another handy and popular house item that can be used for cleaning purposes. It is not just helpful in stain lifting, but also eliminates the odor of cat pee. It is recommended to avoid hydrogen peroxide after using vinegar, which caused harmful reactions.

Mix hydrogen peroxide with water in a spray bottle. Spray on the pee-affected spot and let it sit for 5 minutes. Vacuum it. Make sure you have removed hydrogen peroxide thoroughly, due to its discoloring properties.

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5. Enzyme Cleaner

Are you done with all DIY solutions to remove the cat pee smell? Are you experiencing the cat pee smell still, then what to do next?

It is time to move to another cleaner designed specifically to remove the pet pee smell including cats, and dogs.

Enzyme cleaner targets the bacteria that break down the acids in the cat pee, letting it vanish innocuously. You can purchase enzyme cleaners from markets, pet stores, or even online. Enzyme cleaner is the safest alternative because it eliminates the cat pee smell and can be helpful to stop cats from remarking in the same area.

What Smells Like Cat Pee?

Why Does My House Smell Like a Cat Pee

Why Does My House Smell Like Cat Pee when I don’t have a cat? There are many reasons and if you are interested to know the answer, read the article completely.

As I have mentioned above, there are several reasons whether you have a cat or not. One of the main reasons is mold. Let’s discuss other things that smell like cat pee.

1. Mold

The smell of mold is just like cat pee that forms in a damp environment. The more the molds grow in your home, the stronger the smell will become. Black mold can threaten your life because it tends to weak the immune system. Take the necessary step if you find mold, and try to remove it as soon as possible. Mostly, it grows under sinks, basements, unsealed windows, or any other damp surface.

A clogged drain can also be the reason for mold. Many gases come from under the sink that can cause foul and stinky smells like cat pee. It can be toxic for many homeowners, try to remove using household cleaning products, or professional treatment. For this purpose, you may need to vacate your house.

2. Spoiled Food

Before blaming your cat, the first step is to find the source. Some types of food can smell like cat pee when leave untouched for too long. Spoiling food release bacteria as it becomes break down and decomposes. If you find any kind of foul smell similar to cat pee, check your refrigerator, cabinets, kitchen vents, or even your trash.

3. Leaking Appliances

Have you ever noticed your appliances? Some appliances have ammonia that leaks and smell like cat pee. From a family’s health point of view, it can be alarming to smell and even breathe the fumes. If you feel the smell is coming from your appliances, take immediate notice and replace them as soon as possible.

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4. Gas Leak

The leakage of gas is similar to the smell of cat pee. Gas leaking has a different smell but some people consider it the same smell as cat pee. Leakage of gas is very dangerous; if you feel it is the source of smell, turn off the gas.

If you feel some kind of strong smell, leave your home and call the gas company to avoid any type of health risks.

Is It Normal for a Cat to Pee Outside the Litter Box?

If your cat is trained then it is not normal for a cat to pee outside the litter box. There can be several reasons. Maybe your cat is stressed or has some medical problem. If your cat is doing more often, then visit a doctor.

How Long Does Cat Pee Smell Last?

The most common question comes into your mind when you are dealing with cat pee smell is: For How Long Does Cat Pee Smell Last?

Cat pee is a notoriously bad-smelling substance. It consists of uric acid and urea. Once it is soaked into your carpets, floor, fabric, or any other material on the surface, it can be a daunting task to remove. When it dries, the uric acid crystallizes resulting foul smell. On humid days, when crystals make contact with water, the smell comes again.

Due to uric acid, the cat pee smell continues if you are unable to use a suitable cleaning solution.


When you experience the strong cat pee smell, discover why your feline friend is not using the litter box. It is important to clean the litter box constantly, making it a great place to start.

No wonder you think about Why Does My House Smell like Cat Pee and find ways to get rid of bad smells. In the above article, I have covered all possible questions related to your concern. For more accurate results, you can seek guidance from professionals to enjoy a fresh-smelling home.


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